Thus far the Washington Center week in DC has been a wonderful experience and has provided an opportunity to understand a variety of political and media institutions. However, while the focus of the conference has certainly been on American politics, the media, and the upcoming primary election, we were also privileged to tour the Delegation of the European Union where we learned more about the structure and significance of the European Union.
I found this site visit particularly interesting because of the unique international component and because the financial woes currently plaguing the EU make learning about it all the more interesting. The EU is a confederacy of many, but not all, European countries which together make various policy decisions. The majority of member states also share a common currency, the Euro. Currently, the EU has been the focus of much media attention both inside and outside of the United States due to the financial crises within certain member countries and worries regarding the stability of the Euro. While these events may seem far away, they will ultimately impact the US economy due to the strong trade relationship between the EU and the US. The ability to learn about the EU directly from the embassy was one of many learning experiences which I have had this week which could not have taken place inside a traditional classroom, making the Washington trip a unique and valuable learning tool.
~Lindsay Johnson
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